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Blog Ideas That Make Money
There are so many blog ideas that make money, from fitness to parenting to crocheting to homeschooling. You can absolutely make a full-time income with a small blog about a topic you love. You may think that blogging is oversaturated and that all the blog ideas are taken! I know it can be discouraging when you’re just starting, but don’t
How to Make Money Blogging
You will see that regardless of the size or age of your blog, making money with a mom blog is very possible! All six of these blogs publish their income reports and they have been extremely kind to allow me to share their numbers with you! I want to motivate and teach you how to start a successful blog and show you that you
How to Build an Email List for New Bloggers
What Exactly is a Mailing List? In short, it’s the people who liked your site enough to sign up and give you their email address (the key to their inbox). When you receive an email from your readers treat it like gold. In your mail list are your future customers, your future friends, and potentially future blogging partners. It’s pure
The Top Ways Bloggers Make Money With Their Blog
For all the time and energy you’ve put into your blog, one of your big goals is to make money with your blog! There are numerous methods and strategies you can use to make money with your blog. Most successful bloggers invest in multiple methods to build a strong business. First, a word of warning: these aren’t get rich quick
6 Types of Blogs That Make Money
Starting a blog is an amazing adventure! But not only do you have to decide what to blog about, you should decide what type of blog you want to create. And most people do not consider the second part of the problem. After a few months of blogging, they feel lost, confused and without purpose. It’s not because they don’t
The 10 Step Blog Plan
Want to start a blog and don’t know where to start? You’re in the right place! Starting a blog doesn’t have to be overwhelming. I’m here to help you through this blogging journey. I want to set you up for huge success. And success comes with having the right foundation…the right plan. You need a plan that gives you the
Today’s Hottest Web Design Trends
When it comes to your web design, you want to be cutting-edge, memorable and effective. But how do you do that? You do it by staying on top of the hottest design trends and knowing where web design is going in the future. Web Design Trends: Responsive Design vs. Mobile-First Design vs. UX Design You may hear that your
How To Set The Image That Displays When Your Website Is Shared On Social Media
Making your website and blog posts easy to share is important if you’re trying to grow your audience. The easier you make it to share, the more likely others are to spread the word about you with just a couple of clicks. Adding A Featured Image The first thing you want to do is make sure all of your blog
The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Plugins + 5 Essential WordPress Plugins Every Website Needs
Often beginner users ask what are WordPress plugins, how do they work and which ones do I need? Plugins are an important part of WordPress, and they are essential for building a sweet website using WordPress. They can extend any WordPress site to fit your individual website needs. What are WordPress Plugins? WordPress plugins are apps that allow you
5 Reasons to Choose WordPress For Your Website
Today, building websites have become easier than ever! There are a lot of options to choose from, so why WordPress? Check out these 5 reasons to choose WordPress for your website. First of all, WordPress is the most popular CMS and has the most contributors to their themes and plugins, which means you’ll never run out of options to